How many people lived on the planet,
All of them are the same entity.
Who once here appeared
And gave his mind and life.
It‘s a miracle, we so consider,
It was able to come from the Heaven.
In the form of the God that came down
And d the best here for us.
Macro world and other dimensions,
All of them were involved in it.
With a view of creation of all this -
This is all manifested in it.
Human being is like a matryoshka,
He exists in the different worlds.
His life and this entirety
Very much are depending on us.
Sometimes we problems are solving,
Violating the laws of the Earth.
And the Earth gives it back us
In the form of storms, tornadoes and war.
We should look in the other way,
At that world we live.
We’ll determine our problems,
And solve them quickly everyway.
The world will respond to the care
We’ll be helped by other worlds.
we also are manifested
And live there, as we’re able to live.
We want health, and even don’t know
How save ourselves in those worlds.
It is a very big problem,
There is often no one left to live.
Our method is solving your problems
And was solving them many times.
It permits me to see
And to solve the problems you have.
How much are you healthy, old fellow?
If there is a Standard in World,
In practice you cannot be seen -
It's just a trick and a dream.
Translation – Lena Melnikova