Целитель Драчев Александр Викторович Целитель Драчев Александр Викторович  
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10.04.18 325
I study the Soul and the Body
Of the man at all times.
In the past the Soul was more perfect
Than it represents here and now.
10.04.18 326
There is a real understanding
What will happen to us.
In our world and in our time,
When our time comes.
10.04.18 370
All living has intelligence
It is necessary to comprehend.
To live here in the Physical world
And to survive in other worlds.
16.05.17 1060
It will seem strange to you,
What I have just told you.
We will see this soon:
All will be as I told.
16.05.17 1059
Level of Life was d:
All you want you can take.
If the counter shows that you are worthy,
Then you can get it.
16.05.17 1058
The time of life will be more,
Who will remain on the Earth.
They will be more beautiful, younger,
In order to solve all problems here.
16.05.17 1057
Indulgences won’t exist:
What you are worthy, that gets.
There will be much purer people,
Who will continue to live on the Earth.
16.05.17 1056
Life rhythm is increased, I know:
Also its frequency d.
Who does not realize it -
Those don’t live long on the Earth.
16.05.17 1055
Archaeologists dig the earth
And they find the remains of those,
Who, once lived on the planet
And solved all the problems here.
16.05.17 1054
White Forces and Forces of Evil,
Have d unnecessary people,
On the Earth everybody has his role,
For what he answer here.
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Запись на тест и коррекцию методом" Глобальная коррекция человека".


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© 2024 Целитель Драчев Александр Викторович